
If there’s one thing New Yorkers love more than discovering a new secret remedy, it’s telling other New Yorkers about it.


“I’d been super sick for a week and half and couldn’t stop coughing,” said Alex Schweder, an architect and professor of design at Pratt Institute.

世界第9大艺术学院普瑞特的教授兼建筑师Alex Schweder告诉记者,“我已经病了一个多星期了,一直都在咳嗽”

That’s when his girlfriend gave him a bottle of Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, an “herbal dietary supplement with honey and loquat,” according to the label.


“This started working in 15 minutes,” said Mr. Schweder.


“I’ve probably gotten about five people to try it, but I’ve told many more.”


Mr. Schweder’s girlfriend, Oberon Sinclair, owner of a creative agency, first learned about the herbal supplement nearly 30 years ago when she was living in Hong Kong.

他的女友Oberon Sinclair是一家创意公司的老板,近30年前在香港生活时,第一次听说这种草药补品。

The remedy, often referred to simply as Pei Pa Koa, is sold both in cough-drop form and more commonly in 10-ounce bottles in Chinese markets and Chinese pharmacies for approximately $7 as well as online through third parties for up to $70.


Taking herbal supplements can involve health risks, including when they are used with medicines, consumed in excess or taken instead of prescription medication, said Dr. Keith Brenner, specialist in pulmonary medicine at Columbia University Medical Center at the New York Presbyterian Hospital.

纽约长老会医院哥伦比亚大学医学中心的肺医学专家Keith Brenner 博士说,服用草药补充剂可能会带来健康风险,包括服用药物时,过量服用或服用非处方药。

“I think people that use these things may not even disclose them to the physician, and it’s a problem,” he said.


“There’s been well-established interactions between herbal and prescription, and the doctor can pick up on it if the patient discloses it.”


The Food and Drug Administration advises consumers to speak to a health-care provider before taking a supplement and to be wary of any product claims that sound too good to be true.


The agency doesn’t have the authority to review dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness.


Herbal remedies with loquat have been produced in China for hundreds of years.


The Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory began producing Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa in Hong Kong in 1946.


The Chinese characters on the bottle translate to “Beijing, in memory of my mother loquat thick paste.”


The company began marketing it to mainland China, North America, and Europe in the 1980s.


Competing loquat syrup remedies are still produced in Hong Kong, but they remain less popular.


“All of a sudden, everybody is talking about it,” said Ching Weh Chen, owner of Pearl River, a Chinese market in New York City where the syrup is sold for $7.80.


“Chinese people have known about it for a long, long time.

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